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Preparing for Your Appointment

After Dr. Giroux receives the referral from your provider, you will receive a phone call with an appointment date, time, and location.

Secure Online Messaging System: Medeo

The Centre for OASIS uses a secure online messaging system called Medeo. You will be sent instructions to set up an account. If you have any difficulties with setting up Medeo, please call the office and our staff will assist you. 
 Please do not send any personal health information to our email address. Email is not a secure confidential form of communication and there is a risk that your information can be unintentionally disclosed. Please share any personal health information only through Medeo.

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How to Create a New Medeo Account:

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Patient Forms

Please complete forms no later than 7 days prior to your appointment. If you receive an appointment on short notice, please complete forms at your earliest convenience.
If you any experience difficulties, are unable to complete forms using a computer or phone, or have any questions, please call the office. Our staff will be able to assist you or provide you with alternative options.

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Location of Appointments


Free parking is available on 28th Avenue, either along the street or in the Parliament Place parking lot in spaces marked "Customer Parking." Additional free parking is also available across the street in the lot on the north side of 28th Avenue.

Duration of Appointments

The length of appointments varies for each individual patient (+/- 30 minutes). These are approximate estimates for planning your day. Please arrive 15 minutes early. 
New appointments: 60 minutes
Follow-up appointments: 30 minutes
Cystoscopy: 30 minutes 
Bladder testing (urodynamics and cystoscopy): 90 minutes

Types of Appointments

There are 2 types of appointments: virtual and in-person.

Virtual Appointment

You will receive instructions to prepare for your virtual appointment through Medeo. Virtual appointments consist of a discussion with Dr. Giroux. 


Before your appointment, please complete the following:   

  • Fill out forms at least 7 days before your appointment date.

  • If you have been asked to fill out a bladder/bowel/pain diary, please print it, fill it out over the course of 3 days, and have it with you at your appointment.

  • If you do not speak English well and do not have your own interpreter, please inform our admin staff. 

On the day of your appointment, please complete the following:

  • If you do not speak English well and have your own interpreter, please ensure that your interpreter joins you for the appointment.

  • Bring your health card and the most updated medications list with you.

  • Log-in 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time. Please ensure that you are in a safe, private, and quiet space with your undivided attention focused on the appointment.

After the appointment:

  • Your personalized plan and educational resources will be sent to you electronically.

  • Please complete any recommended investigations. You will receive a phone call if your test results are concerning. If your test results are normal, you will not receive a phone call. 

  • Our admin staff will contact you with a date and time for follow-up appointment, if requested by Dr. Giroux.

  • If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the office.

In-Person Appointment

You will receive instructions to prepare for your appointment by Medeo. In-person appointments consist of history, physical examination, and possibly investigations, which depend on your medical condition.


Before your appointment, please complete the following:   

  • Fill out forms at least 7 days before your appointment date.

  • If you have been asked to fill out a bladder/bowel/pain diary, please print it, fill it out over the course of 3 days, and have it with you at your appointment.

  • If you do not speak English well and do not have your own interpreter, please inform our admin staff. 

On the day of your appointment, please complete the following:

  • Please arrive with a comfortably full bladder and do not urinate until you see a physician.

  • If you do not speak English well and have your own interpreter, please ensure that your interpreter joins you for the appointment.

  • Bring your health card and the most updated medications list with you.

  • Arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time.

  • Wear a surgical mask, perform hand hygiene, put on shoe covers, and follow a respiratory etiquette. This includes covering cough or sneeze into my elbow sleeve or a tissue; throwing away used tissues and immediately performing hand hygiene; avoiding touching my eyes/nose/mouth with unwashed hands. Do not share any food or drinks.

After the appointment:

  • Your personalized plan and educational resources will be sent to you electronically.

  • Please complete any recommended investigations. You will receive a phone call if your test results are concerning. If your test results are normal, you will not receive a phone call. 

  • Our admin staff will contact you with a date and time for follow-up appointment, if requested by Dr. Giroux.

  • If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the office.

Urodynamics & Cystoscopy

Urodynamics and/or cystoscopy are performed by Dr. Giroux at the Endoscopy Unit of the Regina General Hospital. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment to check-in with the Registration/Admissions desk, located near the entrance on level 1. 

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About Cystoscopy:

About Urodynamics:

Language Interpretation Services

To reduce language barriers to our care, language interpretation services are provided to patients with limited or absent English proficiency through Saskatchewan Health. Interpretation is conducted by phone during your appointment with a highly qualified and certified interpreter that will ensure accurate, confidential, and impartial patient-provider communication. Please inform our clinic staff at the time of booking if you require an interpreter.
To learn more about interpretation services, please click here

Anticipated Costs


The following costs are not covered by Saskatchewan Health. If you have private insurance, please contact your insurance company to determine whether or not these costs are covered. We accept debit and credit.
Pessary: $75
A device used to treat stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.

Peri-operative package: $175
This package includes supplies for recovery after surgery.

Bowel preparation for laparoscopic sacrocolopexy: $50

Voiding hat: $5
It is used to measure the volume of urine voided.

Donut pillow: $56
A pillow that can be used to reduce pain with sitting while recovering postpartum or after pelvic floor reconstructive surgery.

Sitz Bath Kit:
A basin used for warm water soaks to relieve pelvic discomfort. 

Peri-Bottle: $20

A handheld, squeezable bottle used to gently clean the pelvic area.

Anal Plug: $5
A device used to treat fecal incontinence.


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© 2025 by the Centre for OASIS Medical Prof Corp.

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